After-school activities

-School of Acli

Come on early May until mid-June the Acli of Cagliari organize after-school service aimed at young people aged among the 6 and the 13 years.

In particular, the service provided includes: help with homework, English tutoring and recreational activities (painting on glass and decoupage).

The meetings will be held on Monday and Friday afternoon in the library of the provincial seat Acli, Viale Marconi 4 in Cagliari at the following times:
children aged 6 to 10 years, Monday from 14.00 all 15.30 and Friday from 16 all 17.30;
kids ages 11 to 13 years, Monday from 15.30 all 17 and Friday from 17.30 all 19.

Registrations will be closed Friday 29 April. For more information:; 07043039.

After-school activities