
Friday 22 April informative seminar for young ’ facilitation in agriculture

ACLI provincial Cagliari, in collaboration with ACLI Earth, arrange for the day 22 April 2016, at 17.30, il seminario informativo sulle agevolazioni previste dal bAndo for the setting up of young ’ in agriculture published in GURI V special series n. 40 last 8 April. It should be noted that the budget of the call is Euro 30.000.000,00 for regions included in Batch 2, including includes Sardinia.

The seminar aims to inform young people, aged 18 years of age and 40 years not yet completed, Dell ’ opportunity to attract an interest subsidy for the first settlement on farms as head company. Those interested can obtain information about the purposes of the notice, to the details and timing of participation.

The seminar will be, also, an opportunity to present the project Earth to young, developed by the Department of agriculture, in cooperation with the Presidency of the Regional Council and the Department of local government, to favour the generational change and growth of the agricultural sector. 695 hectares of uncultivated land owned by the region of Sardinia will be put to tender in 11 lots and granted subsidized rent for 10 years, possibly renewable for another decade.

The seminar will be held by Dott.ssa Blessed Iannelli, expert in accompanying activities and start-up of enterprise, preparation and management of projects under public funding.

The seminar will be held at the headquarters of Acli Provincials in Viale Marconi, 4 Cagliari.

The seminar is free and you release a certificate of participation.

For more information contact the Secretariat by sending an e-mail to or by telephone at 07043039.

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