"Stress and anxiety: how to recognize them, understand and overcome them ". First thematic seminar promoted by ACLI Cagliari

ACLI Cagliari, part of the activities promoted by the aggregation point Family, present the thematic seminar entitled "STRESS and anxiety: HOW TO RECOGNIZE THEM, UNDERSTAND THEM AND WIN THEM ". The workshop will take place
-the day 14 November 2012 from 16:00, Via Santa Cristina n° 38, Serrenti
-the day 16 November 2012 from 16:30, Socio-cultural centre, Via Cagliari 110, Mandi
-the day 28 November 2012 from 17.00 at the headquarters of ACLI Viale Marconi n° 4, Cagliari.
As says President Otto Cannon "through seminars organised as part of the activities of Point Family, the ACLI want to renew their commitment to respond to current needs explicitly expressed by families in the territory ".
In a general framework marked by growing economic and labour precariousness in which concern more and more young people and families, stress and anxiety are a real social emergency, that threatens more and more mental and physical integrity and the quality of life of people: the phenomenon of Burnout at work, increasing physical and mental diseases, to conflicts and discomfort in relational and family. The seminar will be conducted by Dott.ssa Emma Fadda, Clinical psychologist with experience in prevention and treatment of mental illness associated with stress and anxiety.

The course is free for members Acli.
For information and registration for contact:
ACLI "Famili 2000" Serrenti, Via Santa Cristina n° 38, Serrenti
Phone: 070-9158521 Mail: famili2000@libero.it

ACLI Mandas, Square 150° unification of Italy, Mandi
Phone: 338-9989397 Mail: puntofamigliamandas@tiscali.it
ACLI Gesico, Via Umberto I n° 12B, Gesico
Phone: 070-9877021 Mail: acli.gesico@gmail.com

ACLI provincial headquarters in Provo
phone: 070/43039
email: acliprovinciale@tiscali.it